Annekatrin Puhle, Dr.phil. / PhD

Philosophie, Gesundheitsberatung, Bücher / Philosophy, Health Consulting, Books

Annekatrin Puhle, Dr.phil.  /  PhD header image 3



Photo. Adrian Parker and Annekatrin Puhle

CURRENT PROJECTS (German – English)

(The long project titles have been shortened and simplified in some cases)

Prolonged NDES

In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Adrian Parker, University of Gothenburg, Department for Psychology, Sweden

(BIAL Foundation, Porto, Portugal)

It is about cases of longer heart arrest, often in the context of drowning or avalanches when a person is resuscitatet. If you know of any case (including your own) please contact us!

A Study of Adept Lucid Dreamers

In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Adrian Parker, University of Gothenburg, Department for Psychology, Sweden

(Perrott- Warrick Fund, Cambridge, UK)

Participants afre welcome – please contact us!


Dreams of Deceased Persons – What Can We Learn from Them?

(Perrott-Warrick-Fund, Trinity College at the University of Cambridge; Tate Fund, SPR London)

Exceptional Experiences Amongst Identical Twins

In cooperation with Goeran Brusewitz, president of the SPF, Stockholm, Prof. Dr. Adrian Parker, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Dr. David Luke, University of Greenwich, London, UK

(BIAL foundation, Porto, Portugal)

Lucid Dreams with the Deceased

(Sällskapet för Psykologiska Forskning (SPF), Stockholm, Sweden)

The results were published in: Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 2017, Vol. 81, No 3, 145-161.

Shared Dreams

In cooperation with Prof. Dr Adrian Parker

(BIAL-Foundation, Porto, Portugal)

Project Description:

This project is an laboratory experiment which concerns two persons who share ESP experiences with each other (telepathy) while both of them enter an altered state of mind (with the application of the Ganzfeld technique).

Encounters with Deceased Persons

In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Adrian Parker

(Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK)

Project description:

As statistics show many older persons in the industrial states – between 60 and 80 percent – experience encounters with their deceased partners, for instance apparitions, acoustic experiences, olfactorial impressions or simply the strong feeling of their presence. These phenomena are called ‘widow/widower hallucinations’. They are usually understood and experienced by them as real encounters with the deceased. Our study investigates such excperiences amongst the younger population, i.e. people under the age of 65, in order to see, if the roll of the age plays a minor part in it. We don’t want to enclude just persons who are grieving for their husband or wife, but all those who have “lost” a near and beloved person through death. Of special interest are cases in which the deceased communicate an information which nobody else had known up to this point in time and which can be verified.

Cultural Historical Aspects of Ghosts and  Spirits in the German Speaking Area During the Time of Goethe

(Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP), Freburg i.Br., Germany,; Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Weimar, Germany)

See the books “Mit Goethe durch die Welt der Geister” (With Goethe through the realm of ghosts and spirits), one vol.  2006, and four vol.s online:

A Phenomenological Analysis of Ghosts and Apparitions During the 1800s and 1900s in Great Britain Which are Relevant for the Survival Question

(Society for Psychical Research (SPR), London, UK)

See the books “Mit Shakespeare durch die Welt der Geister” (With Shakespeare Through the Realm of Ghosts and Spirits), 2009, and together with Adrian Parker-Reed: “Shakespeare’s Ghosts Live – From Shakespeare’s Ghosts to Psychical Research”, 2017.

Apparitions of Light and Light Beings Observed in Crisis and Crisis-Related Situations: An Analysis of Case Reports and Their Possible Implications For a Post-mortem State of Consciousness

(Society for Psychical Research (SPR), London, UK)

Project Description:

This project concerns persons who have experienced unusual light or light beings. Such cases have been reported throughout recorded history: People have seen unusually bright lights, balls of lights, shining light around humans, around healthy persons as well as around the dying. Bright and radiant beings – in the Christian context often called angels – or religious figures as Christ and even God himself have repeatedly been percieved and experienced as intense light radiating love. The reports in the literature since the beginning of psychical research (end of the 1900s) will be analysed and evaluated with regard to certain aspects, new interviews will be integrated in order to throw light on the phenomena from various angles. Relevant for research are especially occurances with more than one witness and such cases which seem to have a realistic basis in terms of conveyance of information.

See the book “Light Changes. Experiences in Transforming Light” 2014.

The Dictionary of the Paranormal

In cooperation with Prof.Dr.Dr. Pater Andreas Resch

Preparatory work for the “Dictionary of the Paranormal (“Lexikon der Paranormologie”) by Andreas Resch, volume 1, letter A.


Published up to now: Vol. 1, 2 and 3. See

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