Annekatrin Puhle, Dr.phil. / PhD

Philosophie, Gesundheitsberatung, Bücher / Philosophy, Health Consulting, Books

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Buch: Shakespeare’s Ghosts LIVE


Annekatrin Puhle & Adrian Parker-Reed: Shakespeare’s Ghosts LIVE

From Shakespeare’s Ghosts to Psychical Research

Als Hardcover (gelbes Cover) und Paperback-Ausgabe erhältlich.

Unsere Buchvorstellung bei Watkins in London:

Lesen Sie in Ancient Origins über das Buch:

Bei diesem Buch handelt sich nicht etwa um eine englische Ausgabe meines deutschen Buches “Mit Shakespeare durch die Welt der Geister”, sondern um ein unabhängiges Buch, das von den fiktiven Geistern aus der Feder Shakespeares und historischen Dokumentationen über Geistererscheinungen eine klare Linie bis zur heutigen Bewusstseinsforschung zieht.

Praise for the book

“Gradually, but surely, modern neuroscience is transitioning to a perspective that includes consciousness as a fundamental element in our worldview and not an incidental by-product of the brain. Along with this shift is a new appreciation of the complexity of the psyche, and the realization that many of our forebears understood aspects of consciousness that we unfortunately have shunned. Dr Annekatrin Puhle and Dr Adrian Parker-Reed have combed Shakespeareana and modern consciousness research for evidence of the richness of the psyche in the form of ghosts, spirits, and psychical phenomena. They show that these happenings remain an essential part of who we are, and are manifestations of healthy human function. This wonderfully illustrated, eloquent book is a reclamation project for the human psyche, an effort to take back what we have forfeited in our modern era. After reading Shakespeare’s Ghosts Live, you will never think of Shakespeare, ghosts, or yourself in the same way.”

—Larry Dossey, MD, author, One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

“Talking about psychic phenomena in academia is still not regarded as politically ‘correct’, say the authors of this meticulously researched and engagingly written study of a long neglected area of Shakespeare’s vast survey of the totality of the human condition. This attitude, they add, amounts to ‘wilful disregard of current interest in exploring altered states of consciousness’. It has led to attempts to replace the term ‘parapsychology’ by ‘anomalistic psychology’, implying this to be no more than a ‘deviant belief’. It is an attitude with which Shakespeare would not have agreed. To him, dialogues with a deceased parent or a trio of precognitive witches are just two well-known examples of many cited here which he accepts as anything but deviant— especially when they convey accurate information. We are constantly reminded that, in the words of one of Shakespeare’s most often quoted observations, there are indeed more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in Horatio’s philosophy, or indeed in much of contemporary academia.”

—Guy Lyon Playfair, author, If This Be Magic and Twin Telepathy

“Dr Puhle and Dr Parker have joined forces to produce a fascinating and deceptively important book. Woven around Shakespeare’s surprisingly numerous and judgement-free references to apparitions and things supernatural is a thought-provoking and intellectually honest foray into the history of modern day psychic research, with an emphasis on apparitions. It further notes where we are now in the investigation of such matters, and goes on to dip briefly into the deep waters regarding the nature of consciousness. Along the way there are some well-aimed sideswipes at aspects of the ‘zombification’ of today’s culture, especially in the mainstream neuro-scientific reductionist approach to consciousness. This is a well-written work to savour, with Shakespeare’s ghosts all the time haunting its pages.”

—Paul Devereux, Editor, Time and Mind – The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture

“Die ‘Mission ‘ des Buches besteht darin, auf die Literatur hauptsächlich, aber nicht ausschließlich, von William Shakespeare zuzugreifen, Einzelheiten zu persönlichen mutmaßlich paranormalen Erfahrungen zahlreicher Individuen zu liefern und wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen auf diese Forschungsbereiche anzuwenden. [… ] Die verwendete Sprache ist sowohl für akademische als auch für nicht-akademische Leser angenehm. […] Puhle und Parker-Reed haben einen breiten Aufgabenbereich und stellen Forschungsarbeiten aus zahlreichen anderen Fachgebieten vor, sowohl historische als auch moderne Forschung über Erscheinungen und verwandte Themen mit mehr als nur einem Wink in Shakespeares Richtung.”
— Melvyn Willin
Journal der Gesellschaft für psychische Forschung, 81: 3 (2017)

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