Annekatrin Puhle, Dr.phil. / PhD

Philosophie, Gesundheitsberatung, Bücher / Philosophy, Health Consulting, Books

Annekatrin Puhle, Dr.phil.  /  PhD header image 3


Photo: Once upon a time: Window outside at Tibits in the heart of London, a restaurant of Swiss origin offering delicious international vegetarian and vegan cuisine. Unfortunately, the outstanding restaurant no longer exists since the lockdown.

Here you find light and easy recipies for strengthening your health, immunsystem and wellbeing. All of them are wholistic, vegetarina and have exclusively ecological ingredients. It is easy to change them into vegan dishes, if you choose olive oil instead of butter, suger free almond milk instead of sweet cream, almond milk and lemon juice instead of sour cream or crème fraîche, instead of meat seitan (made of wheat) or tofu or other soy products, instead of fish aubergine, mushrooms or halloumi, and instead of egg-flavour the Ayurvedic salt Kala Namak. The amount of ingredients is given for 2 – 4 persons depending on their appetite and the order of courses.   –   Enjoy your meal!


Ingredients for 2-4 persons (ecological quality): 2 Fennels, 4 carots, 1 tablespoon finely chopped orange zest, 1 teaspoon finely chopped lemon zest, juice of one orange, juice of half a lemon, water, 1 clove of garlic in fine slices, 3 allspice seeds, 3 juniper berries, a piece of bay leaf, salt, pepper, some wholemeal flour (rice or spelt), 250 g crème fraîche.

Preparition: Cut the fennel ilengthwise by quarters, slice the carots into thin slices. Give it in a pot and add so much water that the vegetables are almost covered. Now add all other ingredients besides the wholmeal flour. Cover and it simmer it for about 15 minutes, and then thicken it with the flour. Finally stir in the Crème fraîche. Serve with whole grain rice or wholemeal baguette and fine leaf salads in French dressing.



Ingredients for 2-4 persons (ecological quality): Mealy potatoes (small or halved), Brussels sprouts and chestnut mushrooms in equal amounts, olive oil, light Italian redwine, 1 tablespoon of tomato purée, water, a sprig of rosmary, a cinnamon stick, 3 allspice corns, 3 juniper berries, a bit of lemon peel, seasalt, pepper, fresh Parmesan.

Preparation: Fry potatoes and Brusssels sprouts softly for a few minutes in olive oil, add the wine, herbs and spices, tomato purée and water, cover it and bake it in the oven  for 30 Minuten at 250°. Take the cover off and add  the mushrooms and Parmesan and bake it for another 10 minutes. It goes well with assorted salads and pine nuts in a Vinaigrette created of olive oil, lemon juice, seasalt, pepper and a bit of honey.